Wednesday, March 23, 2011

One man's "strike" is another nation's terrorist tragedy

Delving into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict when it comes to media is dangerous. Both sides claim that the media is biased towards it. I personally hold very strong pro-Israel views, but I admit that there is truth to both sides of the argument. However, I will say that recently, the media has gone on a complete whitewash of Palestinian terrorism.
When the brutal attack and murder of the Fogel family was being reported by CNN, they put the words terrorist attack in quotation marks. Lets call a spade a spade here. Knifing a family while they sleep is a pretty clear terrorist act.
But it gets even better. Today, a bus in Jerusalem was attacked by terrorists. Guess what the wonderful staff at Yahoo News had to say:  "Police said it was a "terrorist attack" -- Israel's term for a Palestinian strike". 
Honestly. When does blowing up a bus full of civilians constitute a "strike"? How can the media in any way seem to suggest that there is moral equivalence between terrorists and the Israeli army. Its sickening


  1. Yahoo actually got that from Reuters. See my post

    I completely agree with you that these news outlets are using inaccurate and inappropriate words to describe these events.

  2. Thank you for exposing the bias and corruption! It is really so upsetting and crazy that the media is so afraid. It's time they truly call a spade a spade. and begin to accurately portray the picture.
